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18 / 04 / 13 - 12 : 53

On April 15 & 18 John Hensford wrote :

I am trying to catch up on my work after being stranded in Suva for four days because of plane mechanical problems. There were 28 of us stranded in Suva, and of course many people delayed leaving Tuvalu.

I will be relocating to Australia very soon – in fact next week. Our business is very bad indeed and we’ve had to pare our expenses to the bone. Part of the economy is me moving out. I’ll still be doing my usual work, but from home. Eti and Sina will be moving out of their house shortly and moving in to my (former) house. That’s part of our economy drive.

It will be strange handing over the key of the door to Eti after living quite a substantial slice of my life (fifteen years) in Tuvalu. In terms of physical residence the only countries in which I have lived longer were England and Australia.

My moving gives the opportunity of cutting down on electricity consumption too. One month ago we switched off the airconditioners and I removed the batteries from the remote controls. Tomorrow our meters should be read. I’m anxiously waiting to see the bill. You see, we are doing our bit to save the environment! I have reduced the brilliance on our monitors from 100% (default) to 45% and have found it makes NO difference to the readability of the screen. All computers are on power saving plans that cuts off the monitors after 5 minutes of non-use and hibernates the hard drives after a further ten minutes. Also we have have fewer computers. The electric jugs are in the cupboard and water is now boiled on the gas stove. The twin tube fluorescent lights have one tube removed and we generally don’t use lighting during the day.

These are all things that the three of you have been doing for decades, I know. We are just catching up and I must say it is in large part because of your attitudes and guidance that I started these measures, which Eti and Sina have to continue. If I were remaining here I would find it necessary to have some airconditioning. It’s 32 in the office just now (mid-morning) but in the afternoon it will go above 35 and that for me is hard to take. I don’t think clearly then.

Bye for now. John

18 / 04 / 13 - 12 : 47

17 / 04 / 13 - 11 : 56

Le 10 avril 2013
Café de la Danse
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03 / 04 / 13 - 12 : 24

"Climate scientists have linked the massive snowstorms and bitter spring weather now being experienced across Britain and large parts of Europe and North America to the dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice."
... full article by John Vidal in The Guardian

03 / 04 / 13 - 11 : 45

"Des scientifiques établissent le lien entre ce printemps très froid et la fonte des glaces de l'Arctique." Article complet dans le blog Mediapart de Antony Manuel

02 / 04 / 13 - 18 : 00

"Il y a trente ans, toute personne atteinte par le VIH se pensait condamnée. Aujourd'hui, de maladie mortelle, le sida s'est mué en maladie chronique et beaucoup de séropositifs ont retrouvé une existence quasi normale.
Entre espoir et désespoir, ils ont surmonté le «verdict de séropositivité». Plus de trente ans après le déclenchement de l'épidémie, Maneval dresse un état des lieux qui témoigne du moment charnière que l'évolution de la maladie connaît actuellement.
Il est en effet possible d'entrevoir la fin de cette épidémie, à condition que la prévention reste la priorité."

Réalisé par Jérôme Lefdup

Prochaines diffusions sur Arte : Vendredi 5 avril 2013 à 22:20 et Samedi 6 avril 2013 à 10:50

01 / 04 / 13 - 13 : 04

No dates set yet for Tuvalu by elections
"No date has been set for a by-election for the vacant Nukufetau Island seat on Tuvalu. The seat was left vacant following the death of finance minister Lotoala Metia in Suva in December last year. Secretary to Government Panapasi Nelesoni told ISLANDS BUSINESS their lawyers were still working on details including when it will be held. The Tuvalu constitution gives the government of the day the power to decide when to hold the by-election." ... full article in Island business

18 / 03 / 13 - 12 : 53

Just a few news if you haven't heard.
Mr Prime Minister Willy Telavi and Seinati are currently here in Taipei,Taiwan for the opening of the new Tuvalu Embassy. Secretary of Finance Mr Minute will be serving as Ambassador. Opening ceremony was held on Friday the 15th of March.
There is still a strong wind warning in Tuvalu.Flights were cancelled for a week and started again on Saturday 16th March. I guess the strong wind warning were cancelled then.
I am still on the ship. My reliever's documents weren't ready so John asked me to stay a month longer :-) Sarah will be back in Fiji on the 8th of April so i guess i'll catch up with her then.
That's all the news. Have a blessed Sunday and take care..

17 / 03 / 13 - 18 : 00

Returning from a 2 weeks trip in California and Florida, meeting with many loving friends, I received the mail below from one of them, Joanie, Chris Horner’s mother :

“I just watched a documentary called Greedy Lying Bastards at the Monica on 2nd st. At the beginning of the film I leaned over and asked Bob if he thought you knew about this film......then three quarters of the way through I see footage of Tuvalu and there you are speaking to the film maker...... I knew nothing about this film other than my friend Mona saw it yesterday and urged me to see it today.. I would have done so anyway. At any rate it is a first rate film. I send lots of love... Hugs,.....Joanie

I was as surprised as she must have been, having totally forgotten about the US team that came to Tuvalu in 2010. Curious we surfed their page: greedylyingbastards.com .

We were very impressed with the subject that goes beyond any other Climate films. All is said in the title. Greedy Lying Bastards ! came out on March 8th in the US and Canada. Even though we did not have a chance to see the film yet, we prompt you to go when it gets to a theatre near you and urge you to sign their petition



Aujourd'hui, le RAC et les nombreuses associations rassemblées au sein de la coalition des ONG pour le débat sur la transition énergétique ont tenu une conférence de presse.

Vous trouverez les communiqué et dossier de presse, ce dernier reprenant les 14 propositions des ONG sur le site du RAC

Bonne réception.

Marc Mossalgue, Information Communication RACFrance

19 / 02 / 13 - 12 : 31

The Tuvalu Marine Life full study

L'intégrale de l'étude Tuvalu Marine Life, sur la biodiversité marine de Tuvalu

The "Our planet under water", arabic version

La version arabe de "A l'eau, la Terre"

08 / 02 / 13 - 14 : 14

Randy Thaman, Eliala Fihaki, Teddy Fong

"Hard work pays off. Professor Randy Thaman started working on this book in 1992, I got involved in 2003.20 yrs to produce it, it is a very good book with great photos. All because of this man and his love and passion, Malo Randy" Eliala

31 / 01 / 13 - 18 : 54

Paragraph 26) of CJ Gordon Ward dated 21st December, 2012.

"I assess the necessary level of damages to ensure the plaintiff’s reputation is vindicated in the eyes of reasonable members of the Tuvalu public would be $35,000. I am also satisfied that, for the reasons I have stated in this judgement, the status of the defendants when making these untrue assertions and the extra weight they knew that such status would give to those assertions and their attitude in failing in any way to lessen the harm they have caused to the plaintiff even though they must have known they could produce no evidence in support of their defense makes it appropriate to order a further sum of $15,000 aggravated damages."

This is the judgement on the defamation case between the Late Honourable Lotoala Metia and the seven opposition members. The seven being the defendants and the Hon Metia the plaintiff.

My father's intention was justice. To prove that he had never stolen any money from anyone nor the Government of Tuvalu. This is the reason why he could not accept Opposition's proposal for him to change sides and switch allegiance especially after they (the Opposition) had publicly announced via a signed declaration that my father had stolen Government funds. Put yourself in this position what will you do? I think I will do the same if you are an honest man but if you are a corrupt man you will submit intentionally to hide your sleazy ways.

For the people of Nukufetau my father could not accept your request to support Enele Sopoaga government for this reason. He wanted to clear his name so that his children and grandchildren can freely live life without shame.
Would you support someone's quest to become Prime Minister if he had accused you of stealing Government funds?????? Silly. and for people of Nukufetau not to understand this is just absurd. and for the fenua to think that my father was defying orders of the Toeaina??? It is not my father's intention.

Paragraph 29) of the Judgement
"Counsel for the defendants has suggested that the defendants who are not from Nukufetau were less involved and should be less liable. It was never part of the defence and I do not accept the proposition. I have not accepted that subsequent demonstrations against the plaintiff should form part of my assessment of damages for the defamatory statements and all the defendants too equally failed to make any effort or mitigate their involvement."

The accusation (letter) was signed by the Seven MPs after Tuvalu 2010 National Election. This is way before the fenua of Nukufetau got involved. So what I want all the fanau of NUKUFETAU to think about is why are the other MP's asking for this?Asking to be less liable for the defamation? It means one thing. Think about it ... This is way before Nukufetau got involved

To date my family have not received any money from these cases. My family have spent our life savings to pay for the lawyer but what we hope is that the people of Nukufetau will realize now what the TRUTH is. Many feelings have been hurt because of this defamation and many more lies have been created to try to justify this lie but we are the victims. We are the ones facing the real hurt because the accusation was against my father. Nukufetau you turned your back on my father and supported a man who falsely accused my father of stealing and you supported him and marched through Funafuti asking for his resignation threatened to kill him. You stopped all his families and supporters from entering the Maneaba and from representing Nukufetau in anything including Sports. You silenced them from participating in Community functions, decision making. At his death you never showed up. You commemorated the two year Anniversary of the protest march while we burried his corpse. After his death you said good riddance kaitoa ke mate .... mate kae seki tina tena kaitalafu(what kaitalafu?) The man is dead my father is dead. Wrongfully accused and died with a heavy heart that his people (his flesh n blood) remained divided and kept in the dark.
All of you have always been forgiven in my father's heart. The TRUTH should always be more important. Even more than our allegiance to the fenua.

Petsy Lotoala, Penieli Lotoala, Luma Lotoala, Noerin Lotoala, Tristen Johnmattfield, Cilati Sueina Lisati Seumanutafa, Sue Lisati, Mandy Liveti, Lupeti Fihaki, Stuzzy Major

23 / 01 / 13 - 10 : 46

As 2012 is giving way to 2013, we would like to share with you all, friends, partners, supports or acquaintance, the gift* we received last year from our Young friends, the Alofa Tuvalu Peninsula Kids.

We long seeing them in 2013 and miss them. We miss very much too our friends who left us this year, from Farrah a little after new year 2012 to Loto a few days ago. Our thoughts go to his family and friends.

We wish you a warm end of 2012 and a peaceful 2013.
*Click here !!

Avant que 2012 ne cède la place à 2013, nous souhaitons partager avec vous tous, amis, partenaires, soutiens ou connaissances, le cadeau* que nous avons reçu l’an dernier de nos jeunes amis, les enfants de la péninsule d’Alofa Tuvalu.

Il nous tarde de les retrouver en 2013. Nous manquent aussi infiniment les amis qui nous ont quittés cette année, de Farrah peu après le nouvel an 2012 à Loto, il y a quelques jours.. Nos pensées vont à sa famille et à ses amis.

Bonne fin d’année 2012 et paisible 2013.
*Click here !!

26 / 12 / 12 - 12 : 18

03 / 12 / 12 - 15 : 19

25 / 11 / 12 - 15 : 05

25 November 2012

CONTACT: Contact: Michael Crocker, michael.crocker@aosis.org, + 1 978 968 9499

AOSIS, LDCs, African Group: Kyoto Is Essential to Successful Outcome in Doha

DOHA—Ahead of the climate change negotiations in Doha, the Alliance of Small Island States, Least Developed Countries and the African Group, which together represent 100 countries and 1.4 billion people who are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, released the following statement urging developed countries to fulfill their responsibility to take the lead in addressing the crisis and outlined key expectations for the 2012 climate conference:

“The Kyoto Protocol is more than a treaty, it is the foundation upon which our multilateral effort to address climate change rests. As the only legally binding international agreement with quantifiable targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions it is essential to building any future climate change regime, and our sole assurance that action will be taken.

“At a time when the impacts of climate change are growing more severe before our eyes, and with the survival of our nations increasingly in doubt, the countries most responsible for the crisis must agree to a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol that will deliver genuine benefits to the climate that sustains us all. Currently, what is on the table falls far short of this climate imperative.

"Our groups agree that this requires action in Doha that immediately works to reduce emissions in line with the latest scientific recommendations, including the following:

“Annex I Parties – including those that have not yet submitted Quantified Emission Limitation Reduction Objectives (QELROs) – must raise the ambition of their economy-wide emission reduction commitments and take legally binding, single number QELROS without conditions inscribed in amended Annex B of the Kyoto Protocol.

“The second commitment period should be for a length of five-years to avoid locking-in insufficient mitigation ambition.

“The use of surplus units from the first commitment period must be dramatically curbed in the second commitment period to protect the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol.

“Parties must reaffirm that legally binding QELROS inscribed in Annex B for the second commitment period are required for all Annex I Parties wishing to participate in the Kyoto Protocol flexible mechanisms.

“Parties must affirm that the compliance system of the Kyoto Protocol applies to the second commitment period.

“All amendments to the Kyoto Protocol should be provisionally applied pending entry into force to ensure the rapid implementation of Annex I commitments.

“Furthermore, those few Annex 1 countries that are not parties to the Kyoto Protocol must also take more ambitious and comparable mitigation commitments under the LCA.

“This conference comes in the wake of disasters that offered an alarming glimpse at what life on a warming planet looks like. A failure to build on the progress we have made at this critical juncture could be a set back from which we may never recover. If hard decisions to dramatically cut emissions are not made now, developing countries will be forced to confront adaptation and damage on a previously unimaginable scale.”


24 / 11 / 12 - 18 : 00

23 / 11 / 12 - 09 : 31

22 / 11 / 12 - 11 : 15

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