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The Tuvalu Marine Life full study

L'intégrale de l'étude Tuvalu Marine Life, sur la biodiversité marine de Tuvalu

The "Our planet under water", arabic version

La version arabe de "A l'eau, la Terre"

08 / 02 / 13 - 14 : 14

Randy Thaman, Eliala Fihaki, Teddy Fong

"Hard work pays off. Professor Randy Thaman started working on this book in 1992, I got involved in 2003.20 yrs to produce it, it is a very good book with great photos. All because of this man and his love and passion, Malo Randy" Eliala

31 / 01 / 13 - 18 : 54

Paragraph 26) of CJ Gordon Ward dated 21st December, 2012.

"I assess the necessary level of damages to ensure the plaintiff’s reputation is vindicated in the eyes of reasonable members of the Tuvalu public would be $35,000. I am also satisfied that, for the reasons I have stated in this judgement, the status of the defendants when making these untrue assertions and the extra weight they knew that such status would give to those assertions and their attitude in failing in any way to lessen the harm they have caused to the plaintiff even though they must have known they could produce no evidence in support of their defense makes it appropriate to order a further sum of $15,000 aggravated damages."

This is the judgement on the defamation case between the Late Honourable Lotoala Metia and the seven opposition members. The seven being the defendants and the Hon Metia the plaintiff.

My father's intention was justice. To prove that he had never stolen any money from anyone nor the Government of Tuvalu. This is the reason why he could not accept Opposition's proposal for him to change sides and switch allegiance especially after they (the Opposition) had publicly announced via a signed declaration that my father had stolen Government funds. Put yourself in this position what will you do? I think I will do the same if you are an honest man but if you are a corrupt man you will submit intentionally to hide your sleazy ways.

For the people of Nukufetau my father could not accept your request to support Enele Sopoaga government for this reason. He wanted to clear his name so that his children and grandchildren can freely live life without shame.
Would you support someone's quest to become Prime Minister if he had accused you of stealing Government funds?????? Silly. and for people of Nukufetau not to understand this is just absurd. and for the fenua to think that my father was defying orders of the Toeaina??? It is not my father's intention.

Paragraph 29) of the Judgement
"Counsel for the defendants has suggested that the defendants who are not from Nukufetau were less involved and should be less liable. It was never part of the defence and I do not accept the proposition. I have not accepted that subsequent demonstrations against the plaintiff should form part of my assessment of damages for the defamatory statements and all the defendants too equally failed to make any effort or mitigate their involvement."

The accusation (letter) was signed by the Seven MPs after Tuvalu 2010 National Election. This is way before the fenua of Nukufetau got involved. So what I want all the fanau of NUKUFETAU to think about is why are the other MP's asking for this?Asking to be less liable for the defamation? It means one thing. Think about it ... This is way before Nukufetau got involved

To date my family have not received any money from these cases. My family have spent our life savings to pay for the lawyer but what we hope is that the people of Nukufetau will realize now what the TRUTH is. Many feelings have been hurt because of this defamation and many more lies have been created to try to justify this lie but we are the victims. We are the ones facing the real hurt because the accusation was against my father. Nukufetau you turned your back on my father and supported a man who falsely accused my father of stealing and you supported him and marched through Funafuti asking for his resignation threatened to kill him. You stopped all his families and supporters from entering the Maneaba and from representing Nukufetau in anything including Sports. You silenced them from participating in Community functions, decision making. At his death you never showed up. You commemorated the two year Anniversary of the protest march while we burried his corpse. After his death you said good riddance kaitoa ke mate .... mate kae seki tina tena kaitalafu(what kaitalafu?) The man is dead my father is dead. Wrongfully accused and died with a heavy heart that his people (his flesh n blood) remained divided and kept in the dark.
All of you have always been forgiven in my father's heart. The TRUTH should always be more important. Even more than our allegiance to the fenua.

Petsy Lotoala, Penieli Lotoala, Luma Lotoala, Noerin Lotoala, Tristen Johnmattfield, Cilati Sueina Lisati Seumanutafa, Sue Lisati, Mandy Liveti, Lupeti Fihaki, Stuzzy Major

23 / 01 / 13 - 10 : 46

As 2012 is giving way to 2013, we would like to share with you all, friends, partners, supports or acquaintance, the gift* we received last year from our Young friends, the Alofa Tuvalu Peninsula Kids.

We long seeing them in 2013 and miss them. We miss very much too our friends who left us this year, from Farrah a little after new year 2012 to Loto a few days ago. Our thoughts go to his family and friends.

We wish you a warm end of 2012 and a peaceful 2013.
*Click here !!

Avant que 2012 ne cède la place à 2013, nous souhaitons partager avec vous tous, amis, partenaires, soutiens ou connaissances, le cadeau* que nous avons reçu l’an dernier de nos jeunes amis, les enfants de la péninsule d’Alofa Tuvalu.

Il nous tarde de les retrouver en 2013. Nous manquent aussi infiniment les amis qui nous ont quittés cette année, de Farrah peu après le nouvel an 2012 à Loto, il y a quelques jours.. Nos pensées vont à sa famille et à ses amis.

Bonne fin d’année 2012 et paisible 2013.
*Click here !!

26 / 12 / 12 - 12 : 18

03 / 12 / 12 - 15 : 19

25 / 11 / 12 - 15 : 05

25 November 2012

CONTACT: Contact: Michael Crocker, michael.crocker@aosis.org, + 1 978 968 9499

AOSIS, LDCs, African Group: Kyoto Is Essential to Successful Outcome in Doha

DOHA—Ahead of the climate change negotiations in Doha, the Alliance of Small Island States, Least Developed Countries and the African Group, which together represent 100 countries and 1.4 billion people who are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, released the following statement urging developed countries to fulfill their responsibility to take the lead in addressing the crisis and outlined key expectations for the 2012 climate conference:

“The Kyoto Protocol is more than a treaty, it is the foundation upon which our multilateral effort to address climate change rests. As the only legally binding international agreement with quantifiable targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions it is essential to building any future climate change regime, and our sole assurance that action will be taken.

“At a time when the impacts of climate change are growing more severe before our eyes, and with the survival of our nations increasingly in doubt, the countries most responsible for the crisis must agree to a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol that will deliver genuine benefits to the climate that sustains us all. Currently, what is on the table falls far short of this climate imperative.

"Our groups agree that this requires action in Doha that immediately works to reduce emissions in line with the latest scientific recommendations, including the following:

“Annex I Parties – including those that have not yet submitted Quantified Emission Limitation Reduction Objectives (QELROs) – must raise the ambition of their economy-wide emission reduction commitments and take legally binding, single number QELROS without conditions inscribed in amended Annex B of the Kyoto Protocol.

“The second commitment period should be for a length of five-years to avoid locking-in insufficient mitigation ambition.

“The use of surplus units from the first commitment period must be dramatically curbed in the second commitment period to protect the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol.

“Parties must reaffirm that legally binding QELROS inscribed in Annex B for the second commitment period are required for all Annex I Parties wishing to participate in the Kyoto Protocol flexible mechanisms.

“Parties must affirm that the compliance system of the Kyoto Protocol applies to the second commitment period.

“All amendments to the Kyoto Protocol should be provisionally applied pending entry into force to ensure the rapid implementation of Annex I commitments.

“Furthermore, those few Annex 1 countries that are not parties to the Kyoto Protocol must also take more ambitious and comparable mitigation commitments under the LCA.

“This conference comes in the wake of disasters that offered an alarming glimpse at what life on a warming planet looks like. A failure to build on the progress we have made at this critical juncture could be a set back from which we may never recover. If hard decisions to dramatically cut emissions are not made now, developing countries will be forced to confront adaptation and damage on a previously unimaginable scale.”


24 / 11 / 12 - 18 : 00

23 / 11 / 12 - 09 : 31

22 / 11 / 12 - 11 : 15

I went to TMTI today – Leota and everyone are in good health and spitits and cant wait to start with projects again…

They are very enthusiastic. All the equipment is there, but I haven’t seen it up and running. Leota is going to put it on display (a new battery is needed for the scooter it is running but only gets from the main entrance to the diesel shed before running flat out of power!!). He is also going to put the spare part into the fuelpod.

He is happy that the gassifier is OK and they have also painted it and are looking after it well. TMTI has also bought a new compressor for the gassifier.
So all is ok and appears to be on track. I think one of the issues has been high turn over of staff – as well as other staffing issues… I am all for doing RE demos on the outer islands.
Cheers, Sx

21 / 11 / 12 - 18 : 00

Still here - leave next week... Its all Fun Fun Fun!!
And yes!! We can fund more digesters. I think that this would run more smoothly now...
The folk from Nanumea have asked for more digesters at the workshop we just had - which was great - and one guy from the community in Nanumea also presented his experience with the project which was fantastic!!
We could also look at grants for the Biodiesel Awareness in outer islands...
Cheers, Sx

20 / 11 / 12 - 18 : 00

Hi Gilliane,
I am loving being back in Tuvalu (for me it’ been almost exactly 2 years since my last visit) and I am really missing you guys not being here!!
Alofa Tuvalu has really planted seeds – there are now 2 plans like we spoke of : 1 for an energy efficiency house and another for an “eco-house”… As well as the big national renewable energy plan…
I have already met with Risasi (Alofa Tuvalu Treasurer) at the hotel, but will pop over and see her again and ask her to drop you an email…
I have not caught up with Nala (Alofa Tuvalu Patron) yet – will go and see her this afternoon.
Hugs, Sx

13 / 11 / 12 - 18 : 00

“Hi, I am back in Tuvalu (since last Thursday) and helping Teu out with a National Adaptation Wkshop…. Difference here is that Tuvaluan’s are delivering the messages (its 9pm, we have been going since 9am and there are still over 60 people here!)… and we have brought people in from communities on outer islands as they are the ones who will be implementing the activities we will be developing under this project. Molipi has the floor now and he is talking about energy use… and yes!! Internet connection from inside the Funafuti maniapa!!
Alofa Tuvalu is very much in everyone’s minds and I must have been asked at least 100 times today where you guys are and when are you going to be visiting again!!
John (Alpha Pacific Navigation manager and Alofa Tuvalu counterpart) is in Australia but Eti (Alofa Tuvalu Vice-President) is here, doing fine and has changed his name to Eddie!!
Anyway, hope everything is ok..
Cheers, Sarah”

12 / 11 / 12 - 18 : 00

23 / 10 / 12 - 18 : 00

22 / 10 / 12 - 13 : 57

22 / 10 / 12 - 13 : 49

Vendredi 19 Octobre : 19h00 // Ciné-Débat au Cinéma « Ciné Islais » de l'Ile d'Yeu, Gratuit

Projection du Film "Nuages au Paradis", réalisé par Gilliane Le Gallic et Christopher Horner (ETC, 2004) suivi d'un débat avec Fanny Héros, Chargée de mission à l’association Alofa Tuvalu ainsi qu’un conseiller de l’Espace Info Energie.

plus d'infos sur la Fête de l'Energie

13 / 10 / 12 - 17 : 49

27 / 09 / 12 - 12 : 09

The day has dawned bright and clear, a good day for farewelling William and Kate. Let’s hope it remains that way; yesterday started like this too but turned rainy. Today there will be less opportunity for that because the Royal Couple will be departing soon.

I hope they slept well in the house loaned by the Australian Defence Force Advisers. It’s very comfortably furnished and its location is idyllic, right on the edge of the lagoon. The island at this point is narrow. A good golfer would be able to hit a ball from the lagoon beach right across the island to the ocean beach in one stroke. The Governor General’s residence and the Prime Minister’s residence are also in this area, comprising a thin string of housing along the lagoon edge with the airport runway right alongside.

As their jet came in to land at Funafuti yesterday William and Kate were probably thinking ‘where is this island’? That question goes through most people’s minds the first time they come. One can feel the plane reducing altitude, down, down, down, but no land visible either side. The plane banks right and islands come distantly into view to the left. Flaps being adjusted, landing gear whining down, all the usual noises of an approach to landing but still not much indication of land. Plane now so low it’s easy to see individual wave crests. Then flashing past the windows a series of tiny islets – none big enough to land on. One can see the connection between them underwater; it’s the rim of what was a volcano, aeons ago. Now low enough to see individual coconuts on the palm trees but below the plane is still only sea. Suddenly, palm trees pop up on both sides and almost instantly there’s the bump as the plane touches down on the runway. It’s an exciting landing and I never tire of it. Then there’s the shock of heat as the plane door is opened and the tropical air rushes in, and one realizes ‘we have arrived at the World’s most remote capital city’.

Well that was yesterday’s experience for William and Kate. Today, Eti and I will go down to the airport for the farewell ceremony. Today we can be attired less formally – still with traditional Tuvaluan flower headband, neck decoration and colourful skirt, but with a casual, Fijian-style ‘Bula’ shirt. On our feet just sandals; the black leather shoes have been put away until next year’s Queen’s Birthday honours ceremony. We ride on Eti’s motorbike, our pandanus leaf decorations trailing behind us in the wind. We ride along the runway perimeter road. The plane is still parked where it stopped the day before, turbines now gently hissing in anticipation of its Royal cargo.

Oh, we have arrived rather later than we should. The Royal Couple are already seated in the maneaba and are being regaled by very stirring singing and dancing. On a table in front of them is a model of a traditional Tuvaluan house, intricately woven from pandanus leaf. It’s the biggest such model I have ever seen. It’s evidently a present. If it’s to go on the plane someone is going to be working very fast to box it up when the Couple go to the plane.

The Governor General Sir Iakoba Italeli Taeia and his wife Koling are seated to right of the Royal Couple. Prime Minister Willy Telavi and his wife Seinati are seated on their left. Foreign Minister Apisai Ielemia and his wife Nala are there too and other members of Parliament and just about everybody who is anybody. I must remember to congratulate Apisai on the good organizing of his Permanent Secretary and the team at Foreign Affairs.

Kate has her hair down today, as she did at the fatele last night. She looks more familiar that way; that’s how she usually appears when we see her on TV. I’m not close enough to see exactly what the pattern is on her dress but it is a floral design, very different to the pattern of the Tuvaluan ladies’ dresses but very much in keeping with them. Different but complementary, somebody has chosen well. Perhaps Mummy-in-law had some hand in it. No doubt there will be quite a difference too in what she paid for her dress – perhaps a hundred times more than the local price of dresses! The dress is above knee. Last night she wore a long flowing dress. William is wearing much the same as yesterday, plain blazer and open-necked white shirt. That in itself is a fashion statement. He looks relaxed.

The Prime Minster makes a speech, appropriate and brief. The President of the Tuvalu Church offers a prayer of thanks to the Almighty and asks His protection for the Royal Couple. Then it’s time to go. William and Kate are tall and easy to see. They move outside and board their special vehicle, the ‘mini-maneaba’; the bearers raise it to their shoulders. The Police Honour Guard makes a Royal Salute, with great precision; the Royals move forward preceded by a big choir of young ladies singing merrily. The official party melds in behind the Royal vehicle and follow it to the plane, an avenue of schoolchildren clapping on either side.

The populous moves onto the grassy area alongside the runway. This must be one of the few international airports in the World where that would be permitted, and in truth it is not usual here either, but it is possible because the runway is not fenced and is only a ‘runway’ for a few minutes per week. The rest of the time it is a walking and running track, a place for volleyball and soccer, at night a place to study the stars and a cool place to sleep.

The Couple reaches the plane and the bearers lower the mini-maneaba. It has fulfilled its task. The bearers will be able to tell their grandchildren ‘I carried the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge way back in 2012! There are some final farewells from the official party and Kate walks up the aircraft stairs, pausing to make a very bold and happy wave to everyone, which is responded by a thousand waves. William follows and does the same, but he didn’t get so many return waves as Kate. She is on the way to becoming a star.

The door closes and we are all ushered back to beyond the airport perimeter road, but that is still close to the runway. So now it’s time for the Couple to go. There is always excitement at the airport when a plane lands and takes off – even if it’s just the turbo-prop from Fiji twice a week. This is the first Royal visit by plane so it’s extra special. It’s lovely that people can be so close to planes, but it is necessarily so because the island is only four hundred metres wide at this point and that’s its widest.

The plane starts to move forward. A dog decides to show interest in another dog; they run onto the grass. A thousand throats hiss at them – a reaction they have never experienced before. Wisely, nobody gives chase, which would have frightened them towards the aircraft. A policeman waves at the dogs; remarkably they obey and leave the area. In Tuvalu even the dogs are law-abiding. The plane passes us, nice and slowly. We all wave frantically and everyone on the plane does likewise. We can’t see which is Kate and which is William, but anyway they’re surely at one of the windows.

The wind is light and the direction a little unusual, more or less straight across the runway. So the pilot chooses to taxi all the way to the northern end and take off heading south. As he taxis, a dog nonchalantly crosses the runway behind the plane. The dog-chaser vehicle speeds after it. The dog gets the message and disappears towards the beach.

The plane turns, immediately winds up its jets to full power, and comes thundering down the runway. It is airborne before it gets to where we are all standing; it needed only half the runway length. The jet engines are huge, as though taken from a larger plane. A blast of hot jet air and dust sweeps over us and we are all forced to turn away momentarily. Then the plane is soaring up into the sky, banking right, setting course for Brisbane where the Couple will transfer to a scheduled flight.

I find myself talking to one of Royal staffers who has been left behind to travel on tomorrow’s regular plane. She says William and Kate told her last night their visit to Tuvalu has been the absolute highlight of their Tour.


I am so thrilled that I was able to be a part of this historic event.

Best regards, John

19 / 09 / 12 - 14 : 17

Well finally the fatele has finished and poor W & K are being allowed some rest. What a day! I’m told the kids at Nauti Primary school put on a spectacular display this afternoon too. 600 kids singing in harmony and making those special shrieks of delight that are just pure exuberance.

I’m told William made a speech this evening (I guess at the feast) in which he mentioned that he had particularly wanted to have Tuvalu on his visit list because of what his grandmother had told him about her visit thirty years ago. She had described Tuvalu as the ‘most iconic place she had ever visited’. Well there you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth, oops the Queen’s mouth.

So that’s it for tonight. I believe there will be a bit of ceremony tomorrow morning farewelling the Couple and then they’ll be ‘up, up and away’ in their silver jet – said to be the biggest jet to have landed at Funafuti Airport.

So that’s me signing off for tonight. Bye. J

18 / 09 / 12 - 15 : 40

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